Evaluation Notes - Creating Original Art

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Revision as of 13:29, 16 March 2007 by Kamila (talk) (Colorize)
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These raw notes are provided as our documentation and for your insight and entertainment. They are not meant to start a flame war. Wait for our complete analysis before reacting.


Creating original art, a collage of found images and wild brushwork.

Open New File

  1. Image Size: width and height should be chained
  2. Advanced options are hiding the resolution part, which is something we are trying to achieve.
  3. X, Y resolution should be the same.
  4. Many possible resolution formats, but in 99% you know what pixel/inch you want to achieve.
    1. We can create two radio buttons. The first for screen images and the second for other print resolutions.
  5. With closed advanced options you shall be able to express if it’s print or screen img.
  6. When choosing img for print, the resolution would be 300 px/in, but user could type other value (the same for X, Y resolution). In advanced options user could change X, Y resolution independently.

Open PDF

It needs Ghostscript, so it should be installed at the beginning (optionally).

Image window issues

  1. When closing last image window, an image with Wilber or tooltip could appear.
  2. When minimizing image window also toolbox window should be minimized. (however that might be disturbing when working on many images at the same time and shifting between them)
  3. In a task bar user should see just the image window.
  4. Maybe we could dock dialogs in the main image window. User would be able to have separate dialogs all around, or all in image window.
  5. In View/Dialogs menu user could chose the view mode. We should decide about the default after seeing a mockup of how it would look all in one.
  6. Inspector windows are real windows, and in general they are too fat comparing to the image window. They should have more ‘light way’ look, thinner, more ‘athletic’. We need to limit big push buttons that are common.


  1. We don’t like the fact the user has to install SANE plugin to scan. This should be one-click installation. After installing it should automatically see the scanner.

Aquire ScreenShot

  1. GIMP is partially duplicating functionality of a system, but we appreciate it also takes a print screen of a single window, or area.
  2. Delay is good idea, but the phrase needs to be changed. Description may depend on the option chosen by radio button. There should be also appropriate tooltips.
  3. Two delays is too much.
  4. We need to show that’s it’s counting down.
  5. Name: take a print screen of a single window
  6. Other options would be available in a plugin.

Acquire Scanner/Camera..

  1. Separate interface item for webcam, scanner, camera.
  2. Right now Source window enables choosing right device, but the Source window would be shown just when there are more cameras, or scanners connected.


We need organizing layers in folders.

Layer Modes

Their names should be as explicit as possible. We know there are a lot of them, but when using them for a longer time you can now/predict their result.

Alpha channel should be more treatable.


Nice and straightforward, but effective rather only for low ranges (just below value 33 something really happens).


  1. Works well, but it wouldn’t make the img realistic.
  2. Maybe it shouldn’t be grouped with all other major color filters.
  3. The first 2 sliders should be replaced with color wheel. Slider for lightness should remain.


  1. It should have good color picker instead of few custom colors.
  2. Doesn’t seem to meet the goals of photographers.
  3. Make the inspector ‘unvisible’ , when you use them they are prominent.
  4. They could be black&white, couse it’s big contrast.

Invert and Value invert

Nice and quick


  1. Most of the people don’t distinguish lightness and luminosity.
  2. It should have preview.
  3. Maybe change the names to brightness too.

Auto Filters

  1. Probable aimed at photographers, but they wouldn’t trust those filters.
  2. On contrary those filters make nothing spectacular for graph designers.

Channel mixer

  1. Values should be in percents.
  2. It works for monochrome, to stop when you like what you see.
  3. For color modes the UI is not good, it’s difficult to make the experiments, when changing the output channels .
  4. Save options are useful for creating filters. It would be a good idea to have easy access to different pre-sets (‘personal filters’). Other tools could work in a similar way.
  5. Not yet solution for experimentation.


  1. Not very useful in this scenario

Map submenu


Does nothing interesting.