LGM popup dialogs

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Separate options in toolbox for Levels and other dialogs should disappear, and it’s options should be integrated within one dialog.


All the plug-ins could be in heads-up displays. The preview will be at the whole img. If a filter takes time, there could be smaller preview in heads up display. A simple look-through 'glass' where you see the effect on the main window underneath.

Fragments of Analysis

Heads-up displays (HUDs) are semi-transparent dialogs. That allows them to be less obstructive than old skool dialogs and more part of the content one is working on. These properties make it possible to move towards a general interaction where the image window is the preview.


Previews are an area with limited number of pixels that make predictable what the effect of a certain operation will be on all the image pixels. The number of screen pixels of an image windows is also limited, by the hardware.