Paint Tools

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Paintbrush Tool - Smudge and Texture Capabilities

Main Scope

On GIMP the tool more near of these capabilities is the Clone Tool. The proposal is to integrate some of the features of Clone Tool to Paintbrush Tool. The Clone tool can work with textures (patterns) and brushes at the same time. If is possible integrate the smudge feature or part of the main features... is possible to have an excellent and complete paintbrush. Now to have textures or impasto or similar features is necessary to do many steps. Many artists work more alla prima... others are using in steps separated... perhaps, because the GIMP don't has a tool with these capabilities.

Current Possibilities

Mixing Strokes - Impasto, blending, smudging

On painting not only these tasks are very important, but the Smudge Tool has some of these capabilities, mainly blend strokes and some impasto qualities (hard edges with high rate tax) if we have dedicated brushes. Americo and Deveze have made some tests with the Clone Tool #FrescoGIMP and is possible to use this tool to resolve, in part, some issues about impasto and to mix the strokes (smudge), but is not possible to use the Color parameter. With the Color parameter, the Clone tool would be a paintbrush with some impasto capability.

Clipboard feature and a Path to Impasto

All paint tools can use the clipboard.

Using the clipboard as a brush.

The clipboard feature on the paint tools could be used in different ways. Normally is used to create or to use as temporary images for brushes and patterns. Is possible to use this feature in another way, for example, to improve the impasto? This method uses the clipboard feature for brushes and patterns (texture). The method is used many times, to select different parts of reference image swatches or patterns and, copy them on the clipboard. After, with the Clone tool with a brush, more the pattern clipboard with fixed alignment, is possible to produce something of type, see figure below. Impasto-with-clone-tool+pattern-clipboard-sample-cloud.jpg

Example of impasto using the clone tool with a swatch of a clipboard pattern.

Is it possible to use this method... with personal pattern swatches and, to have variations and other colours. But the impasto is fake... in my opinion, the method is good but is necessary on the Clone Tool a real smudge. Another issue is to have a way to organize the clipboard sessions. Perhaps, the buffers are a good option, but is necessary to add the possibility to paste the buffer on the clipboard. See the screenshot of an informal test using the Clone Tool.

Smudge Feature

Now, the Smudge tool has only the capability to blend the stains, using a brush. The stains that are previously created. On GIMP, now, is possible to make this in two steps - first, we paint something (Pencil, Paintbrush, Airbrush, etc.) and after, with the Smudge tool, we make blend the stains/strokes.

With MyPaint brushes, is possible to have the smear on their brushes, but the mark is a circle (dab). The GIMP raster brushes (.gbr and .gih brushes with paint dynamics), resulting more richest than a smudge brush on MyPaint.

Figure: Smudge brush with MyPaint.


Figure: Smudge with GIMP > Two steps: 1) make stains with some paint tool and 2) after with smudge tool blend them).

Gimp-brush smudge.jpg

Comparison of Paint tools - Paintbrush, Clone and Smudge tool

The features in yellow are necessary on the paintbrush to have pattern and smudge abilities.

Comparison of tool options of Paintbrush, Clone and Smudge Tool.

Proposal of Texture and Smudge features on Paintbrush Tool

The basic options are:

  1. Colour: It is necessary to use the colour asset... as a normal brush.
  2. Hard Edge
  3. Texture aspect (Invert Texture): Is necessary to have a flag to choose between default and inverted.
  4. Source: Image and Pattern (texture).
  5. Alignment: Registered and Fixed.
  6. Rate Smudge


The Tool Options of Paintbrush with implemented the features of Patterns/Texture + Mix strokes (Smudge).

> Américo, > Eu não consegui os efeitos legais mesmo de dual brush naquele meu video e > não estou podendo usar aquela máquina que tem windows e PS instalados > porque a fonte dela está estragando. Resolvi dar uma busca no Youtube e > estou achando uns videos que mostram muito bem esse efeito! Observe nesse, > como depois do traço com o primeiro pincel, o segundo pincel vai aparecendo > por baixo ( foi escolhido o modo multiply(acho) para que o segundo pincel > atuasse) e a mancha toma outro aspecto. > Eu estou bem convencido que a solução vai ser implementar isto no Clone Tool... ele já faz uma parte do Dual Brush. No clone tool deveriam ser utilizados alguns controles adicionais, isto de maneira ideal ou otimal que seriam:

1. inverter textura. 2. controle de contraste/brilho num unico slider. 3. um controle de size/spacing/jitter na textura.

Mas isto vai requerer um bocado de trabalho principalmente na interface dele... tem que olhar com carinho.


Krita Paintbrush + Texture

Photoshop Paintbrush + Texture

Brush Texture Option Photoshop.png

[Bob Chiu Steps Video link

    • Create a Pattern > Save it on the pattern library
    • Create a brush
      • New document (size x height), for instance with 256x256px;
      • New preset brush - on Photoshop the brushes birth directly as a preset, interesting (Krita also).
    • Select the brush
    • Now Brush Options > [1]
      • The options is possible to control many aspects:
        • Spacing, Hardness Angle, Flip and Size;
        • Enable the Shape Dynamics (basically is a .gbr with gimp paint dynamics); > [2]
        • Enable the Texture and is possible to see the library patterns, the options of Texture are: > [3]
          • Texture Library (dropdown open manager), Invert (flag), Scale, Brightness, Contrast, Texture each tip (flag), Mode, Depth, Minimum Depth, Deep Jitter, Control (drop-down flags).
        • Enable Transfer > [4]
          • Opacity Jitter or Flow Jitter